Traveling Seamstress
Youth Beginner Sewing Workshop Ages 9-12
Youth Beginner Sewing Workshop Ages 9-12
The workshop series for beginners includes the following dates: January 11, February 1, March 8 & 28, April 19. Time slots are offered from 11 am to 1 pm. Limited to 4 students per workshop, additional dates will be announced through social media (@travelingseamstress on Instagram) and the Town of New Shoreham calendar.
These classes, aimed at participants aged 9-12, teach students the fundamentals of sewing. They will learn to correctly thread and use a sewing machine, basic sewing techniques, terminology, hand and machine stitching, and complete an introductory project. By the end of the course, students will have a strong grasp of sewing basics and the confidence to tackle simple projects independently.
This course is available at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis until May 1st, 2025. Limited one class per student. Sewing machines, notions and tools will be provided. A limited selection of complimentary fabric options is available to participating students. If you prefer to bring your own materials, please indicate this in your registration so the instructor can advise you on the necessary type and quantity of materials to bring.